



Global Governance

This paper explores methodological approaches that can be used to monitor and evaluate climate change adaptation initiatives at the projects and programme levels. It examines…

UN Peace Operations and International Policing: Negotiating Complexity, Assessing Impact, and Learning to Learn

This book addresses the important question of how the United Nations (UN) should monitor and evaluate the impact of police in its peace operations. UN…

Transboundary Conservation and Militarized Interstate Disputes

Briefs & Development
Advocates of transboundary conservation argue that borderlands can be a source of cooperation between neighboring states that previously engaged in conflict. It has been stated that, by…

Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment of the Palestinian–Israeli Water Situation

Briefs & Development
This paper examines and discusses the prolonged Palestinian–Israeli water conflict, taking into consideration recent formal and informal water negotiations and emphasising the future of water-based…

Contestation and Reconstruction: Natural Capital and Post-Conflict Development in Borderland Regions

Briefs & Development
Though often remote and underdeveloped, borderlands are contested territories. The incorporation of borderlands into the post-conflict state highlights many important land-related paradigms, including the conversion…

Political Violence, Land Reform and Child Health: Results from Zimbabwe

Briefs & Development
The article examines the impact of politically-motivated violence in Zimbabwe following the 2000 referendum and the accompanying it controversial land reform on children's health, measured…

Integrating Climate Change into Peacebuilding

Briefs & Development
Peacebuilding countries are concentrated in areas of heightened vulnerability to climate change impacts, and almost certainly lack the capacity to manage these impacts. In spite…

Wicked Problems in Peacebuilding and Statebuilding: Making Progress in Measuring Progress Through the New Deal

Peacebuilding and its relatively new partner in international policy discourse and practice—statebuilding—are moving in increasingly larger circles with the recognition that business cannot be done…

The Role of the External in Local Peacebuilding: Enabling Action -- Managing Risk

Local peacebuilding has been embraced in principle by many donors, but the practice of external support to local initiatives needs further systematic study. While previous…

The Limits of Formal Metrics During Conflict and Post-Conflict Transition: Exploring Opportunities for Qualitative Assessment in Sri Lanka

Peacebuilding as an approach to assisting states in the transition from war to peace has been around since the mid-1990s, and has become a policy…

The Flow of Management Practices: An Analysis of NGO Monitoring and Evaluation Dynamics

Which characteristics of NGOs are associated with the adoption of modern management practices and to what extent have those practices become standardized? Based on a…

Testing Conflict Sensitivity of Development Projects in Ghana an Evaluation of Two Projects in Ejisu-Juaben District, Ashanti Region

There has been serious concern about the nexus between development assistance and conflicts in the recipient nations. Thus, donors have been rethinking their assistance packages…

Swedish Development Cooperation in Transition? Lessons and Reflections from 71 Sida Decentralised Evaluations (April 2011-April 2013)

This report presents the findings of a review of 71 decentralised evaluations of Swedish development cooperation carried out during 2011-2013, through Sida’s framework agreement for…

Practical Approaches to Theories of Change in Conflict, Security, and Justice Programmes

The goal of this document is to improve the effectiveness of DFID programmes and the measurement of their impacts by providing DFID Advisers with the…

Peace With Strings Attached: Exploring Reflections of Structure and Agency in Northern Ireland Peacebuilding Funding

This article examines Northern Ireland's peacebuilding process by analysing perspectives about economic assistance to determine if the peacebuilding process contributed to the reification of structure…

Landmines and Livelihoods in Afghanistan: Evaluating the Benefits of Mine Action

Mine action started in Afghanistan and, globally, has grown into a billion-dollar endeavour. On most measures, Afghanistan remains the world’s largest mine action programme, which…

Mind the Gap: The Importance of Local Institutional Development in Peace-Building-Funded Security Interventions

In this paper, the authors analyse current spending priorities of the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF)-funded security sector reform (SSR) programmes. They conclude that these spending priorities…

Help or Hinrance? Results-Orientation in Conflict-Affected Situations

Results-orientation, impact assessment, and value for money have been creating a growing buzz in the fields of international cooperation and peacebuilding for the last few…

Contested Boundaries: NGOs and Civil–military Relations in Afghanistan

In recent years there has been a growing focus in academic and policy circles on the changing roles of military and civilian actors in the…

Aids, Minds, and Hearts: The Impact of Aid in Conflict Zones

It is widely assumed that development aid can help to stabilize regions in or after conflict. However, we lack empirical evidence for this assumption, and…

Evaluation in Conflict Zones: Methodological and Ethical Challenges

This article explores the methodological and ethical challenges particular to the conduct and use of evaluations in conflict zones. It does this through examining the…

Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning: Toward a Participatory Approach to Human Security

This handbook aims to improve the effectiveness of peacebuilding by better linking conflict assessment to self-assessment, theories of change, and the design, monitoring, and evaluation…

Resource Conflict, Collective Action, and Resilience: An Analytical Framework

Briefs & Development
Where access to renewable natural resources essential to rural livelihoods is highly contested, improving cooperation in resource management is an important element in strategies for…

The Impact of Transfrontier Conservation Areas on Regional Integration

Transfrontier conservation areas (TFCAs) have been established or are under discussion in various locations within Southern Africa. The aim is to have 18 TFCAs in…

Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding

Briefs & Development
This chapter explores the integration of humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding in conflict and immediate postconflict settings. It begins with a brief overview of international humanitarian…

Monitoring and evaluation of peacebuilding: the role of new media

Briefs & Development
This research paper compiles and elaborates on key challenges, opportunities and lessons for the use of new media monitoring and evaluating peacebuilding activities. It draws…

Food Insecurity and Conflict Dynamics: Causal Linkages and Complex Feedbacks

Briefs & Development
This paper addresses two related topics: 1) the circular link between food insecurity and conflict, with particular emphasis on the Sahel, and 2) the potential…

Extractive Industries and Peacebuilding in Afghanistan: The Role of Social Accountability

Country Assessments
Recent estimates of deposits in Afghanistan indicate that mineral extraction could contribute to the economic growth the country needs to sustain its efforts in peacebuilding…

Conservation in a Wicked Complex World: Challenges and Solutions

Toolkits & Guidance
Most conservation challenges are complex and possess all the characteristics of so called “wicked” problems. Despite widespread recognition of this complexity conservationists possess a legacy…

Understanding Theory of Change in International Development

This is a review of the concepts and common debates within ‘Theory of Change’ (ToC) material, resulting from a search and detailed analysis of available…