Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning: Toward a Participatory Approach to Human Security
Publisher: Kimarian Press
Author(s): Lisa Schirch
Date: 2013
Topics: Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programming
This handbook aims to improve the effectiveness of peacebuilding by better linking conflict assessment to self-assessment, theories of change, and the design, monitoring, and evaluation of peacebuilding efforts at all levels, from community-based projects to international policies. Conflicts are complex, and assessment can be time-consuming, expensive, and even dangerous. This acronym-free approach aims to provide familiar and easy-to-use conceptual frameworks for seeing and learning about the complex, dynamic conflict system. Recognizing that many groups skimp on assessment, fearing analysis paralysis, this approach provides basic as well as advanced tools for each element of the process. The handbook tackles the problem of untested assumptions and lack of assessment leading to ineffective programs, as well as the problem of too much data and no easy, simple-to-use conceptual framework to turn data into knowledge that is useful for planning peacebuilding. Too often, critical steps in this sequence are missing, as different groups of people conduct the steps without coordination. This handbook addresses these problems.