Swedish Development Cooperation in Transition? Lessons and Reflections from 71 Sida Decentralised Evaluations (April 2011-April 2013)
Publisher: Sida Studies in Evaluation
Author(s): Ian Christoplos, Anna L. Hedqvist, and Jessica Rothman
Date: 2013
Topics: Cooperation, Economic Recovery, Governance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programming
Countries: Sweden
This report presents the findings of a review of 71 decentralised evaluations of Swedish development cooperation carried out during 2011-2013, through Sida’s framework agreement for reviews and evaluations. The review was undertaken by Indevelop during April – July 2013. The objective of the review is to synthesise findings and identify lessons of relevance for learning within Sida and its cooperation partners, to strengthen management for results and improve Swedish development cooperation. We foresee that the intended users of this review are Sida and Swedish Embassies, Swedish decision-makers, Swedish and national cooperation partners, researchers and development practitioners.