• Group Reading UNEP Pamphlet


Braiding Knowledge Systems as Environmental Peacebuildinng: A Four-Dimensional Analysis for Co-Applying Idigenous and Non-Indigenous Worldviews in Great Lakes Water Governance

Publisher: International Christian University

Author(s): Natalija Vojno

Date: 2022

Topics: Governance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Renewable Resources

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Environmental peacebuilding has evolved since Conca and Dabelko’s seminal work on peacemaking to now include preventative interventions as well as those that occur post-conflict. In recent years, both practitioners and academics have identified the need to recognise the leadership of women, Indigenous Peoples, youth, and local peacebuilding actors. However, the process of integrating worldviews in the sustainability sciences risks instrumentalising belief systems in a way that perpetuates underlying power and political asymmetries.