M&E Insights Episode 6: M&E in Conflict-Affected Artisanal Mining Communities (w/ Victoria Reichel) [Video]
Publisher: Environmental Law Institute and Environmental Peacebuilding Association
Date: 2023
Topics: Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation
Countries: Burkina Faso, Congo (DRC), Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Uganda, Zimbabwe
In this video, Victoria Reichel shares her experience and learning related to Monitoring and Evaluating Financing, Gender, and Security Dynamics in Conflict-affected Artisanal Mining Communities – Lessons from IMPACT.
This video is the sixth episode in an open series of M&E Insights that share experiences and learning related to monitoring and evaluation of environmental peacebuilding.
The video is available at https://youtu.be/3J1XvLVOzEk. It may be accessed via EnPAx's YouTube channel, and particularly the M&E Insights playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB_NVQxPz_XmJ-erMoX--rC6JPeE-B3kC).