• Group Reading UNEP Pamphlet


Remembering the Red Sea Marine Peace Park

Publisher: Marine Transboundary Conservation and Protected Areas

Author(s): Michelle Portman and Yael Teff-Seker

Date: 2016

Topics: Cooperation, Governance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programming

Countries: Israel, Jordan

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This chapter aims to share the background of the Marine peace park (MPP) Korea initiative and explores implications and lessons from the experience of the process. It describes the background information that motivated the development of the initiative. The goals and strategies of the initiative are then summarized, together with public opinions from the Republic of Korea (ROK) about the initiative during the period of 20057. The chapter identifies and discusses key issues that are relevant for the initiative to remain as a viable option for future inter-Korean cooperation. MPP could contribute more too building peace in ecological as well as the politico-military sense in an area without a mutually agreed upon boundary that has been a source of fierce conflict and military clashes, such as the transboundary coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. The MPP Korea initiative covers the western coastal area around the Northern Limit Line (NLL) located in the middle of the Korean Peninsula.