• Group Reading UNEP Pamphlet


Social Dialogue: A Tool of Social Reintegration and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in Nepal

Publisher: Asian Journal of Peacebuilding

Author(s): Chiranjibi Bhandari

Date: 2019

Topics: Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programming

Countries: Nepal

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Successfully reintegrating former rebels into civil society is a crucial task in post conflict countries. In the aftermath of a decade-long conflict (1996-2006) in Nepal, management of arms and armies became a major issue in the domain of post-conflict peacebuilding. “From Combatants to Peacemakers” was an initiative to promote peace and harmony among the former ex-combatants and host communities. In this context, this article highlights the role of social dialogue, which proved effective in promoting social harmony, peace, and reconciliation among ex-combatants and community members in Nepal. Also, the article explicates the worth of social dialogue that may be used in other parts of the world to successfully reconcile former antagonist groups into the same communities.