• Group Reading UNEP Pamphlet


Forested Landscapes for Equity: End Evaluation Report

Publisher: Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

Author(s): Dieuwke Klaver, Hermine ten Hove, Jan Brouwers, Bram De Groote, and Jarl Kampen

Date: 2020

Topics: Governance, Livelihoods, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programming, Renewable Resources

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This report presents the End Evaluation of the Forested Landscapes for Equity Programme, as implemented by the Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) over the period 2016-2020. The first chapters present an introduction to the evaluation and the Forested Landscapes for Equity Programme. Afterwards the evaluation methodology and sampling is presented, followed by a synthesis of the five country evaluations and the three thematic evaluations. The last chapters provide insights in the governance and efficiency of the GLA programme, as well as conclusions and recommendations.