Blessing or a Burden? The Impact of Peace Services on Peace and Violence in Nepal
Publisher: Journal of Peacebuilding & Development
Author(s): Jeannine Suurmond, Alexandros Lordos, and Prakash M. Sharma
Date: 2017
Topics: Assessment, Dispute Resolution/Mediation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programming
Countries: Nepal
Recent literature highlights the potential of infrastructures for peace for peacebuilding and violence prevention. An increasing number of studies examine cases of infrastructures for peace, yet little is known about the services individuals actually use when facing conflict. This study investigates local agency in the context of infrastructures for peace in Nepal. Adopting a quantitative approach, we explore the relationship between use of third party support for dealing with conflict (‘peace services’) and individual experiences of peace and violence. Results show that the more respondents reported use of services that actively engage their recipients in dealing with their conflicts, such as mediation, the more peace they experienced in different dimensions of their lives and the lower their propensity for violence was. In contrast, the more respondents reported use of services that require only passive involvement and do not directly focus on the conflict at hand, such as sharing information, the less intrapersonal and intercommunity peace they experienced and the higher their propensity for violence was. Encouraging the use of active peace services could allow more people to enjoy their benefits and ultimately prevent violence and strengthen peace. Future research could further explore the linkages between everyday use of third party support and people’s experience of peace and violent behaviour, including direction of effect.