M&E Insights Episode 5: Lessons from Evaluating Three UNEP Projects (with Emery Brusset) [Video]
Publisher: Environmental Law Institute and Environmental Peacebuilding Association
Date: 2023
Topics: Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation
Countries: Afghanistan, Philippines
In this video, Emery Brusset shares his experience and learning related to evaluations of three UNEP projects.
This video is the fifth episode in an open series of M&E Insights that share experiences and learning related to monitoring and evaluation of environmental peacebuilding.
The video is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgFB44_zLbg. It may be accessed via EnPAx's YouTube channel, and particularly the M&E Insights playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB_NVQxPz_XmJ-erMoX--rC6JPeE-B3kC).