• Group Reading UNEP Pamphlet


Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators for GEF International Waters Projects

Publisher: GEF Corporate Monitoring and Evaluation Team

Author(s): Alfred Duda

Date: 2002

Topics: Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programming, Renewable Resources

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Effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is increasingly recognized as an indispensable tool in project and program management. If done well, an M&E plan and the indicators developed as part of it serve both as a corrective function during the project cycle, enabling timely adjustments, and as a guide to structuring future projects more effectively. All GEF projects must include M&E provisions. The intent ofthis paper is to describe the role of M&E relative to GEF’s international waters focal area and to more specifically identify an indicator framework for countries to employ as part of the M&E process related to international waters.