• Group Reading UNEP Pamphlet


Natural Resource Federalism: Considerations for Myanmar

Publisher: Natural Resource Governance Institute

Author(s): Andrew Bauer, Natalie Kirk, Sebastian Sahla, Khin Saw Htay, Ko Ko Lwin, and Paul Shortell

Date: 2018

Topics: Cooperation, Extractive Resources, Governance, Monitoring and Evaluation

Countries: Australia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines

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The management of non-renewable natural resources—oil, natural gas, minerals and gemstones—is a complex job. Governments must draft and implement laws and regulations on an array of matters in order to maximize their contribution to sustainable development, for local communities as well as the broader citizenry. Responsibilities include licensing for exploration and production; land management; fiscal frameworks and revenue collection; environmental management; occupational safety and health; local content; and the governance of artisanal and small-scale extractive activity.