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Archived Events

Third International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding

Jun 18, 2024 - Jun 21, 2024 | Environmental Peacebuilding Association and the Grotius Center for International Legal Studies at Leiden University
The Hague, Netherlands and online

The Environmental Peacebuilding Association® (EnPAx®) and the Grotius Center for International Legal Studies at Leiden University are delighted to announce that the Third International Conference on Environmental…

Launch of the Toolkit on Monitoring and Evaluation of Environmental Peacebuilding

Nov 30, 2023 | Environmental Law Institute and the Environmental Peacebuilding Association

Please join us to launch the Toolkit on Monitoring and Evaluation of Environmental Peacebuilding! The Toolkit is designed to help practitioners navigate the particular set of challenges faced when performing monitoring and…

Extended Dialogue on Forests, Livelihoods and Peace: Monitoring & Evaluation (A Path to The Hague Initiative)

Nov 15, 2023 | EnPAx Forest Interest Group and M&E Interest Group

Monitoring and evaluation play a crucial role in addressing and mitigating forest conflicts. These conflicts often arise due to competing interests, such as economic development,…

Launch of "Environment and Security"

Oct 3, 2023 | Environmental Peacebuilding Association and SAGE

The Environmental Peacebuilding Association and SAGE will convene an online launch of Environment and Security.  The launch will take place Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from…

MOOC on Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace

Oct 2, 2023 - Dec 15, 2023 | Environmental Peacebuilding Association, Environmental Law Institute, Duke University, UC-Irvine, UNEP, Columbia University, and the SDG Academy

EnPAx and its partners are delighted to announce that we are offering our massive open online course (MOOC) on "Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace" for…

Environmental Peacebuilding Indicator Hackathon

Aug 8, 2023 | Environmental Law Institute and EnPAx M&E Interest Group

What indicators can practitioners use to measure progress for projects and programs at the intersection of environment and peace? And how do these indicators relate to specific theories of…

New Tools for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of Environmental Peacebuilding

May 4, 2023 | Environmental Law Institute, Environmental Peacebuilding Association, and Alliance for Peacebuilding

This session highlights two resources to help practitioners navigate the particular set of challenges faced when performing monitoring and evaluation at the intersection of environment, conflict,…

Conducting M&E in the COVID-19 Pandemic (M&E Peer Learning Workshop #5)

May 11, 2022 | Environmental Law Institute and EnPAx Monitoring & Evaluation Interest Group

As part of its ongoing efforts to collect experiences, synthesize, and improve monitoring and evaluation of environmental peacebuilding, the Environmental Law Institute and the Environmental…

Second International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding

Feb 1, 2022 - Feb 4, 2022 | EnPAx™ and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

The Environmental Peacebuilding Association® (EnPAx™) and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) are delighted to announce that the Second International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding will…